Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Can't you see she's a beautiful girl

Just another dayy..

Today was all about watching series for me ;P

Woke up then straight away watch Desperate Housewives then went down just in time for Ellen DeGeneres. I love her! more than Oprah.. she's funnier.

Well, after that, started watching the re-runs of Las Vegas. =) Made a bowl of fruit salad which was lacking of something but I didn't know what so my sis asked to put maple syrup which made it worst. But, I didn't get my feelings hurt, mum came back and ate it all. plus she said it was good. haha! Maybe she's just hungry.

Then, watched Ugly Betty again.. Did youu know that Amanda acted as that dorky assistant of Sophia? haha! yurp! And and that Rebecca Romijn only came in during the 13th episode. Can tell from her voice eventho she's wrapped up. c'mon!

Went to bed for a while since it was raining! It's a MUST to sleep for a while when it's raining. It's just a MUST! =) Woke up and watched Heroes. That new guy is really cute. the one who can flyy.

Anyways, I just installed another Mozilla Firefox because the other one was.. I don't know what happened to it. the Google search was gone and I can't live without that and Wikipedia. So, I installed another one and this one, is damn metallic!

Off to do don't know what. Maybe clean up my room.. blek