Friday, October 26, 2007

All the way from Memphis, Tennessee

Ohkay, WheyJinn got me all wanting to play Sims 2 !! LOLS. The down part is, I hate downloading it! I mean installing it.. with all the SN numbers and stuff! But I like cheating, taking more money! ;P..

Anyways, I'll do that later, Just finish watch Teen Choice' Award 07' after years downloading that badass! & it was a disappointment! It sucks and it wasn't as organized and they went too fast cramping many many awards in just one and a half hours. It was a mess! NOT WORTH DOWNLOADING FOR SO LONG! now I'm mad! xD

It's really been like holiday for me for the past 2 days! A lazy holiday! I need to go out more and see 3 dimensional peoples! not 2 dimensional!! haha Get it?

I so want to go out bowling or play tennis or something. Don't know why! LOLS. Have another sleepover maybe! WOOH!

I'm gonna go shower now, then watch Grey's Anatomy, then install sims which will result in me sleeping late playing that.

Derek wants to marry Meridith!! C'mon!! show will suck if they got together. It's nice like this, a little mystery keeps the show interesting!