There's a new colourr!! And it's pink!! Why is there so many colourss!! Black, orange,pink,grey,blue!! Where's purple and green and maroon and yellow!!!
Plus, I talked to my mum just now and she's getting the phone for me ASAP!! I'm getting a newwwphooonnnneeeee!!! Better yet, don't get my hopes up high!
Ohkay, didn't go school today and woke up at about 8 something.. Woke up every hour before that too! I have no idea why! But I keep waking up at 5 something for the past week!! Seriously!! Then, thought of going to school since I'm up! But I had to pick today or tomorrow to go.. And I have to go tomorrow for that acc shit project thingy! so..
I had nothing to do man! So, I went checking everything out.. From Vanessa's pictures ( which I couldn't find. Only the censored ones) to Ugly Betty, to Hairspray.. Then, I went to check out Grey's Anatomy and I saw this torrent ! I was freaking ouuuut when I thought it's outt! But, according to Wikipedia and, it airs on the September 27th! So apa ini?
Anyways, download je lahh! But it says Greys Anatomy SO4E00!! Season 4 episode 00??
I can't wait to know what's that !!
If this is really an episode! Then it's super cool history dayy!! Prison Break on Tuesday, Gossip Girls on Wednesday and Greys Anatomy TODAYY! hahhaha! ;P