Saturday, March 22, 2008

it's raining inside of me.

Weather Forecast for this weekend.

*// edited @ 6.57 am.

I have bees & butterflies in my stomach! I can't go to sleep! Not because I'm excited. That's not it!! It's because that boy JEYA suddenly went all M.I.A on us!! He's not answering any calls, not replying any texts! He's getting on my last nerves!

He might be the first boy to make me cry! :'(

Why I'm so obsess in calling him you ask. because he is having my BLOODY F1 TICKETS! & now he's dropped off the face of the earth!

Qualifying is in another 7 hours! & I don't have my ticket in hand!!!

From a looking-forward-weekend, this is becoming my go-to-hell day! :'(