Wednesday, March 5, 2008

he's all I think about at night.

iMovie - Serendipity.

I WAS suppose to be in school today but the nice peoples with good influence influenced me not to. The whole gang didn't go and went to PlayHouseChoo. =).

The only person wasn't there was me.. My trip to my aunties got canceled so I had to stay at home the whole day with time on my hand. So, I made a cup of coffee and sat at the table for 3 hours straight studying. Guess what I was studying?

CHEMISTRY!! Revised all my form 4 notes, did all those SPM questions.. Then, what a coincidence! Went tuition, and they were also doing questions!! I was so happy. Most of the questions I answered was correct!!

Studying can really make a difference! ;P

So, I'm gonna do a little touching up on my Accounts. =) I am lacking behind with it. I can't seem to understand this years questions. yoh ! Francis is making us feel so stupid! Must blow him away with out knowledge!

i HATE LIEW! pokkai la coconut!

Hey, did that word studying stunned you guys?!. As planned xD

Hillary Clinton is going to be the new...... I don't know what are they voting for. =P but I know she won something. ahaha.

:: 8 more days !!! =D
I counted wrongly!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ish ish!

:: 10 more days! ='(