Saturday, March 29, 2008

for my one and only brother.

iMovie - Into The Blue.

I slept for almost the whole day today. =) I'm well-rested. Ready to do all my unfinished business.

Just read my brother's wordpress. It's like his own Gossip Girl reality show & he's the one behind the curtain. & bro - whatever you're going for, you'll have my support !! xD

It's seriously like Gossip Girl but instead of writing all those gossip about other people, he's writing for a good cause. He's writing to help the juniors !

I'll be fortunate to come across a blogspot or whatever that prepares me for whatever might be coming out for SPM or whatever exams I'll be having. That's what he does - prepares juniors of what might be coming out. It's not a sure thing but at least it's something.

Now he's running for PRESIDENT in his university!

I'll support you !! =D
Good Luck

how do I know all this you asked bro, - because I always read your wordpress/tumblr . even though your wordpress is all about medical stuff, it's quite interesting.


- are you smarter than a 5th grader? grab a pencil and a piece of paper..