Thursday, August 21, 2008

the moon is low in the sky.

iMovie - Camp Rock.

You know what, I'm actually not excited to know the upcoming season of OTH. I'm not curious who did Luke talked on the phone. Or what's going to happen to Dan and Serena in Gossip Girl or what happens to Meridith and Derek in Grey's Anatomy.

I'm excited for 90210 !!!

Beverly Hills 90210
Dylan, Branda, Kelly & Brandon.

The modern Brandon Walsh & Brenda Walsh.

Ethan Ward.

Ryan Matthews! I likey him! :P

You wanna live in the zip,
You gotta live by the code.

haha, anyways.

Went Taylors just now. It was quite fun. I like their colours! First class was accounts. It was seriously like kindergarten! Plus, their acc is not like our school acc. They're acc is planning some trip or concert or in my case it was a canteen day.

We had to present it & it was super fun. Me and Trina was goofing around the whole time. And Julian can't keep his mouth shut! I think me and Trina was the noisy-est. Apart from Yi Wenn's loud laugh! Super funny. =)

After all that, went pick Rhema up. Man, if I had her room, I would not leave in a million years! Fine, I'll leave once it stinks but seriously, it what I always wanted - a red wall!! And her closet is the coolest! Oh, ate the best Pan Mee ever!! It's super delicious! haha.

Then when I told my mum about it, she knew what it was and she said she always go there to eat.! Bloody hell, so nice food also don't take me there. tsk!

Came home and slllleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep until the sun went down. Ever since that hour, I was getting super duper bored! very berry bored!

Then came my cravings for sushi !! At 1 am. I'm craving for sushi! darn!

*// edited @ - the next morning.

Opps! it was saved as draft. hehe! clicked wrong button last night! =)