Tuesday, June 10, 2008

tastes like candy canes on Christmas.

iMovie - The Game Plan.

There is a tide in the affairs of men... Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. But omitted, and the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and miseries... On such a full sea are we now afloat... ...And we must take the current when it serves... ...Or lose the ventures before us.

School started. School's boring. School's school.

I was so so so so so sleepy in class all day! Gotta take a small little inflated pillow to school!

Yi Mei gave me her version of chee cheong fun today and it tasted good!! I felt like eating asam laksa *yumms* after that cause the sauce tasted a little like the har kou. hehee.

Got back my first test paper - chemistry! It sucked. ish ish. I was struggling with chemistry the day of the test and now I'm reminded how badly I sucked.! Tomorrow will suck too. Accounts! I really really hope she didn't come or forgotten or something. I really don't want my test papers back!

Paul said I failed my BM ;(

See how stress I am after just going back to school for the first dayy! sheesh

Came home and sleep sleep sleep! And now I'm wide awake! blogging!

Bro will be coming home on the 24th. Damn, I gotta clean the room nicely and I won
't have a room to sleep in! Luckily it's only for 4 days then he jets off to see his lonnnnng looveed girlfriend in Aussie. hehee.

P/S : I now think that Lewis Hamilton is one cocky little dude!