Monday, June 9, 2008

I'm still in <3 with who I wish you were.

iMovie - Chestnut.

It's 3.45 AM now. And I'm wide awake!

Mummie went to Melaka or where ever for the day. Left me and my sister to fend for our own. By the time we woke up, it was almost dinner time. ;P

So, we were thinking where to eat dinner. But it was like 5 something in the evening. It's too early for dinner but I wanted to sleep so I won't be sleepy to watching Formula One. So, we were in a bit of a rut. Ended up going to Bangsar pasar malam to tah pau dinner.

Saw Serena C. and the whole gang of Hits.FM deejay there. That Ian guy isn't even cute! normal typical guy.

Anyways, came home, I forced myself to sleep but I couldn't so end up watching the Sunday movie night on tele. Chestnut was on. OMG!! That has became my favourite movie! It's so touching and so sad!! Go check it out.

Don't think I'll be going to school tomorrow cause my sister don't want to send me to school. And I'll probably won't wake up in time. My days and nights haven't been readjusted YET.

Updates @ Tennis.

WHATTTTT !!?!?!?!?!?! 6-1, 6-3, 6-0!! SIX TO ZERO!!!!!! ZERO!!! NADAAAA.

You've guessed correctly! Rafeal Nadal kicked Roger Federer's ass. He kicked it hard!! I'm so ashamed! 6-0! ZERO! That is just.... ouch!