Thursday, June 12, 2008

Chill homeboy be cool.

iMovie - Aquamarine.

Zhee Yi must hate sitting beside me now ;P Solly I can't help it. I'm tooo so very bored. hehee

Everybody was so tired in Chem tuition yesterday! Yawning, half asleep. hehee! Learnt sexual reduction. HAHahaha! I just wanted to say that! Lols. Snoop Dogs song. sexual seduction ♪ Lols.

It' vegetarian Thursday today.

My timing is almost back to normal. I've been sleeping before 10 at night. I'm getting plenty of rest! xD

So, I told my sister what I got of my accounts which was 13. And of course my sister believes me because she always call me stupid so, getting 13 of acc was pretty stupid. THEN she went and tell Francis!! He was like, oh no gotta use my zero to hero formula and must disclaim her and stuff. I was like fine la. Let it be.

Moments later......

my acc paper almost got torn into two pieces as I was battling my sister for it. We ARE like small kids at home.

I'm in a bad mood. I wanna go grocery shopping :(

- I'll just close my eyes and tell myself everything will be alright.

*// edited @ 7.30 PM.

Did you guys see the Biggest Online Battle on YouTube?! The M&M Cru vs ACDC?

M&M Cru is Miley (cyrus) & Mandy and ACDC is Adam Chu Dance Crew. Adam Sevani (moose) from Step Up 2 and John Chu director of Step Up 2.

It's spreading like wild fire! M&M had Channing Tatum and Jenna Dewan and ACDC had Robert Hoffman and Brianna Evigan. Step Up 1 was way better than Step Up 2!

Anyways, check it out. It's very entertaining. I think I've blog about Miley and Mandy dancing to Madonna's 4 minutes a long time ago. That post is related. ACDC is battling it back because of that clip.

Super cool points if which ever crew brings in Justin Timberlake (sexiest dancer ever!!) , Jessica Alba (hot sexy dancer! Seen Honey?) or Chris Brown! which the ACDC already recruited! OR or or Omarion Or OR Kenny Wormald!

I'm getting carried away with this! It's so exciting!! LOLS xD