Monday, August 29, 2011

and I keep hittin repeat peat peat peat peat peat

iSeries - Keeping Up With The Kardashians.

I like reality telly. I don't quite understand my fetishes towards reality telly.

it's just fun to watch what goes behind their career.

it was sunday, funday :)

woke up quite early because the auntie came over and started waking everyone up. luckily she brought food over or else i would be pissed! HAHA.

She wanted to stop by at Watsons to get her hair dye. and she forced everyone to go with her. the youngest auntie. a force to be reckon with!

Went to HSC for 2 hours or so and dropped RM500! whaaat. ohwells, not my money :p

I got a new bed spread :)) which I'm very happy about. I wanted one for so long but my mums always didn't allow me to get, saying that there's way too many at home when in fact I only have 3 sets that is about to thin out.

the colours are so sweet, I likey!

doesn't look as cozy and comfy as the picture!


so anyways, got home and I started on my book :) finally I got the time to read Melissa Hill's Something from Tiffany's!

I don't like to read when I don't have the time because really, when I pick up a book, and when I'm really into it, I'll do nothing but read until there's no more to read.

I started Saturday night and I was at the half way mark Sunday night. it's really a page turner! the suspense! but also all the pussyfooting. I don't like that. just get on with it already! tsk.

I should really clean my room. it's so messy! and so many things that isn't mine are in my room!


here's a game.
find the following :

Vivian's birthday invitation
a picture of Kimi Raikkonen
my old 'P' sign
Johnsons & Johnsons body bath
A panda

* I don't expect you to find it :)

I usually clean my room right after an exam I had to sit. but this time around, I'm super lazy! therefore it's been a mess. and I would have let my maid do it for me but I hate it when people touch my stuff.

I don't like not knowing where my stuffs are.