Monday, November 26, 2007

Just for youu.

Everyone is like MIA. They're not blogging. What's up guys?

Went out yesterday's yesterday for Hollie's surprise dinner. Well, wanted to get him cologne for his birthday present but it was way too expensive. Thought long and hard on what to get him.. Thought of shoes, but " someone " was jealous that I'm getting him shoes so I was lost again. Then thought of lingerie. What better gift to give him other that some funny present for a very funny guy. So, it was decided.While Ely was eating her choc lava @ Fasta Pasta, I wrote stuff on the paper napkins. Then, ended up writing a birthday card, well, birthday napkin. haha! After that, went to get the bra and panties.. End up, it was too small for him. haha!

Anyways, we were late, me and Ely. They sang the song and cut + ate the cake edy. But, I guess he didn't know that I'll show up so he was kind of surprise to see us walking in. I guess he was surprise.. Guessing here. ;P Anyways... they headed back to Choo's condo while me and Ely walked the bazaar. I wasn't satisfied because I didn't buy anything. haha
Ely's dad dropped us at Choo's & the guys was so into their football while the girls took more pictures. Then we played BlackJack.

__* fast forward..

Hollie tried on his present. But it was too tight. He was wondering how girls put up with wearing bras. haha! Now he knows.While we were doing our stuff, Ely separated herself to boil 3 different pots of porridge. Figuratively speaking.

Went home to Ely's quite early because her father was quite mad. End of the first day..