Felipe Massa : "It looks like a shark: there's the mouth, there's everything, so I'd say it looks a lot like a shark."
Ferrari's new nose thingy.
That was in draft for quite some time already.iMovie - Home Alone III.
Caught another episode of DanceLife today, do anyone watch it? Saya sudah gilar Kenny ;P He's so good till JT booked him. Imagine how good of a dancer he is for Justin to hire him to dance in his concert! fuuyoh.
I watched FutureSex LoveShow again to find for him but I couldn't. Justin and his tux suit and his fedora! shhehs! I couldn't see the dancers' face! but he's bring back the olden days' punya suit. the one with the thingy on their shoulders and the cross at the back. The string thingy.
Check him out. dancing HERE and HERE
Terminator : Sarah Connor Chronicle sucks la. Don't watch it. Lols
I want back my photoshop and comic life please!!
Uuh, school !! I annoyed Paul like mad!! He was probably saying in his head "don't you come to school tomorrow Jeanette" =P It was fun.