Thursday, April 10, 2008

I need to boo - gotta see you boo.

iMovie - Grease.

I like this years' juniors! They have respect and good manner. This one boy kicked his ball onto a pile of bags and without even saying a word, I was just looking at him and he apologized. And it wasn't even my bag that he kena-ed.

Then there's this boy that was into mythical great heroes or Greek heroes.. the Hercules one. That bloody book was as thick as two bricks! He was telling me and Tanya about it. I've never seen ANYBODY so interested in something. Never in school or anywhere else! I respect him. I should ask for his name. haha!

Bottom line is, this years' juniors will somehow make a difference in the world. I have faith in them with their respect and good manner and interest. xD

I drank too much cold water and I'm paying the price! It hurts like mad and it's only 3 hours since I got IT.

I've decided not to do any of my tuition homework or any homework for that matters at home. I'm gonna do everything in school to distract myself from boredom. It's so fcuking bored in school this days.

& I like economy rice!