Sunday, April 6, 2008

tried to walk away but my heart says no.

iMovie - Fantastic 4.

Without realizing I fell asleep last night quite early. I was doing something but my bed was calling me so I went and took a rest but I fell asleep shortly. Woke up at 4 am when my sister came back. I missed formula one. It's suppose to be at 12 since it's delayed.

Since I was awake, I watched Friends then continued what I was doing before I fell asleep. Went back to bed at 5.30 then woke up again at 8.30.

Wanted to make the most out of waking up so early so I finished up all my homework. It's all done. Sejarah, summary, acc & tuition's accounts. ;D

It was 11 after everything and everybody was still in DreamLand so I made so much noisy to wake them up. =P Anyways, it's so fast 4.30 now. Luckily tomorrow's a holiday.

I want back my photoshop !! =( Last night, I turned to my bro for some help but he's not familiar with Windows so he got so frustrated and said that he'll give me his Mac mini !! I'll have it man. =) If only my mum will let him buy MacBook which I'm guessing she will because he's her golden child..

Now I have nothing to do. At least I had something to distract me from boredom yesterday & this morning. Oh and I've cleaned my room.

last night.