Wednesday, July 7, 2010

it's like an angel came by & took me to heaven

iSeries - Vampire Diaries.

started on this series because I was watching it on 8TV and it reminded me that it was about time to start watching again.

I started watching when the first two episodes came out but stopped because I had better shows to watch, but now that I don't, helloo Vampire Diaries :)

I wish that there's more hours in a day! I really do, well some days anyways.

Now that my time is occupied at night, I really wish that there's more time for me to do my stuff. stuff that I do before my nights were occupied :P

am I making any sense? thought so.

anyways, today came to an end pretty quick, or it somehow seemed to.

woke up quite early because those guys were coming to reinstall bigger pipes for my toilet. it's clogging frequently.

After that, had to do some stuff for my sister. mums decided to fly her home last minute to do all her stuff herself.

YAY! that means my sister and brother will be back, the three of us will be together again! :)

I was complaining that it was super hot in the morning. me and my stupid big jinx-sy mouth! It started to rain super heavy just when I was about to go out. I was soaked because the damned umbrella would not shut! gaa

Came home and it was already time for dinner. & then with a blink of the eye, it's already tomorrow! how fast did today pass! well, technically yesterday.

Ooh let's be clear, when I say 'today' I meant 7th. and tomorrow I meant 8th :P cause I started this post on the 7th but I think it'll publish on the 8th. heh

theres a nonsense headache for you :)

me nanila is going back home tomorrow :D! I'm not that happy that she's leaving but when she does, I'll get to sleep in my sister's room again! until my sister comes home this Sunday then I gots to sleep back in my room for about 5 days before I have no place to sleep.

why? you'll soon find out in my future blog post. till then :)

my got-bitten-by-a-vampire(HA) lip has been bothering me for days now! heal you damn lips :P

me mums tried putting her 'magical' milk on it but it only became worst! & when she applied it on my lip with her fingers, bloody Mary! it hurt like a bitch! it's like putting salt on a wound! gaa

applying lots of lip balm to keep it moist :P heh!

that red little thing there hurts like a biatch
when I stretch my lip to a smile!

if I wish for it really hard,
maybe my sister will ask me to go Penang with her :D