Thank Rachel Rach sent me home today. Or else I won't know who will and how long I gotta wait there for.. =)
SejaRah exams today! no faiR, guys got there privileges in the toilet !!
I don't know most of the answer. hahaha. Not sitting for tomorrow's exam paper. AddMaths. JengJengJeng. haha..
I should have bought Roti Canai before going to school! darn it. Went to school at around 8++. HAHAHA.. Thank god it's raining so I could go school late-err!
So, Crystal told me something shocking yet a-rush-of-adrenaline.. I want Las Vegas Cryst! && Veronica Mars and Gilmore Girls and Mutant X and so-much-more!! woho! *Jumps in excitement*
Sleep sleep sleep!! zzZZZzZzZZzzz
Pangkor, here we comee! =)