Friday, February 1, 2008

Not pictured.

__ pictures will be uploaded when Blogger decides to shop being a b*tch.

After watching all those *air quote* 'shows', I'm finding sidekicks kinda cool. Do they sell it here in Malaysia? T-mobile's brand. It's so cool.. Sidekick LX . =P. Me want one..

The one on the right. Left = Sidekick 3 or Sidekick slide. I dont know.

iPhone Touch is also kinda cool! My sis has got one.. My bro too, but my mum is not suppose to know that. He bought it behind her back. Now, I want one too! Everyone everywhere is having one! Zac Efron, House (House MD), Lucas & Brooke (One Tree Hill)

I'm craving for so much things! Like I'm shitting money to buy them. It's chinese new year list of what to get. haha =P

Why stop there?

Next on my list, I want a freaking Mac Book Air. It sounds super cool right.. Told you I'm going to get a floating Mac Book! haha! Mac Book Air sounds like a Floating Mac Book.. Now, I rather have a laptop then a computer. It's more convenient.

Going out for dinner & catching up. Peace. =D

__* edited.

Never made it to dinner... Sorry guys. =(