Thursday, July 19, 2007

William's is to DIE forr!

Ooh man, today my mum, my goodness!! She came to pick me up from school after interact and she was wearing a bloody MASK! mouth mask and and and MICKEY MOUSE GLOVES!! I was laughing at the outside of the car! OMG! It's a borrowed car from the workshop so, it's like, old, dusty and another harsh word for a wrack! My bro crashed my mum's car, so..

Anyways, exams is over! Done! 3 more months comes another one.

Today was the first time I saw Whey Jinn/ Kimmy/ Yi Wenn/ Jia Wen's dance! It was awesome! So is Jie Ying's one. Can tell that she's not very nervous anymore compare to last time, showing it to Sarah. I like it when WJ/ K/ YW/ JW touch their fellula. Wait, I forgotten what is that called!! Fongo? Fetulla? Whatever! I'm so embarrassed

I'm gonna get it, we're gonna get it, you're gonna feel it **

Damn it ! I don't think I'll be going to Penang! This is bullshit!! Uncle Gordon can't get to book the hotel room! Fuckered!! At least I'll be going to KK ! wooh! Dudes, I'm going to fly theree!! feeeeeeewwwwwww ***

But but but, I want to eat the Prawn Mee && Laksa && Curry Mee && the rojaak && muah chee!! damnn it !

I get back me room for another 3 nights! woot !! I don't like missing Pn.Low's tuition class! Gotta miss it again tomorrow! =(