Not bad. That guy Evan is as cute as a button ;) He looks like the bother of Oliver James. haha. Out of so many I still think the first one is the best eventho' all their moves and stuff are outdated. The one I like the least is Bring It On Again.
Took my CPU to repair since it somehow got busted. Spoiled so randomly, threw RM 60 into the salty river.
Stuuupid sister also spoiled my hard drive! Can't do anything about it now ;( Gotta pay RM 300 if I wanna retrieve everything inside. There goes half of all my series! Thank gosh I listed down every show I had in there. I'll just have to download everything again.
I am so damn tired. damn damn exhausted! This past few days my mums said I had black eyes and huge eye bags but I didn't felt sleepy or tired at all from all the studying and 6 hours sleep every night, until today. The adrenaline rush had obviously wore off.
I couldn't even move a muscle or lift my eye lids! Slept at 10 PM last night until 12 this afternoon. I'm all better now I think. Still have loads to do before going to Perth :D
I got curly hair! :) Au natural. I clipped up my hair after washing it before going to bed, and when I woke up, my hair looked like that. I prefer curly than my current style, damn flat ;(
Gonna go cook dinner now
- Scramble eggs with sausages! :D
- Scramble eggs with sausages! :D