My voice right now - very sexy :P
It sounds like Ben from Fantastic 4! That's how sexy it is. HAHA.
Still, being sick in this house means getting the special treatment. - sometimes. One thing, mum won't ask me to do stuff. haha.
But but but, I'm scaring people who's calling the house phone cause the louder I speak, the scarier my voice get. You guys should really hear me.
My baby squeaky voice became like some monsters rough voice. Now I'm never wishing my voice cracks!
Just here blogging about my voice. HAHA. It's fun! especially at night where I talk to my sister behind the door just to scare her and annoying everyone with my manly deep voice.
If I spin it that way, having sore throat and cough sounds super fun huh? HAHA
Ooh, random thing to say - I'm so happy Kimi and I fell sick together! HAHA. he's sick too but of course he has a word class doctor to his dispose and is having bed rest in some super nice island or some place fancy.