Wednesday, July 16, 2008

run away, run away like a prodigal.

iMovie - Definitely, Maybe.

Man, that movie is nice! I just didn't like the middle part. They pro-longed it and it's little bit boring. But, Isla Fisher is so pretty!! I can't wait to watch her in Confession of a Shopaholic!


Haven't been to school for 3 days now. & I'm loving it! ;P I gotta say.

I've been losing things lately! Things I really need and really use everyday some more!. That day I lost my hairband. the one and only one that is just nice, not too tight that makes the back of my ears hurt! Found it hours ago under my bed.

Today pulak I lost my pen drive! But luckily I found it. Searched high and low all over my room for it. If only I can put a tracker on everything I own.

Sister cleaned her closet a few days ago and this is what was inside!

Believe that Coffee was under that pile of rubbish!


Yesterday, Coffee went out for the whole day. He went grooming by some so-called professional from Japan. It feels like he went to school or something. The car came to pick him up at around 10 in the morning and came back at 8.30 at night. If only he could talk, he would tell us what he did.

Coffee : "Uuh, I went to this big place and saw loads of other dog! But this bitch caught my eyes! It was like love at first sight! So, I went up and tried to hump her but this mean old man pulled me away and smacked my buttocks."

If he could say that : PRICELESS! haha.

We had a day without Coffee and that feeling was just all wrong. It felt so quiet and no one following us around. Even my mum said what are we going to do without Coffee around.