Saturday, July 19, 2008

I'm bring sexy back ..

iMovie - Herbie : Fully Loaded.

I can't believe I cried for that stupid movie! But it's hard not to because they made that car into like a dogs character and you gotta cry for a poor dog! It's super cute when the car was being polished and the tyres kept shaking like when you rub a dogs belly and the leg starts shaking. haha.

Anyways. Just finish watching ESPY Award 08' on YouTube! Gotta be grateful for YouTube! Everything is broadcast there!

Justin Timberlake really can get into character! Super funny! man, he snift David Beckham's 250 million dollar shoe! C'mon! It's super funny! He's like Mike Myers' protege or something. Oh, I got it, Mike Myers is Justin's GURU. ( get it, get it?! -The Love GURU ). hahah!!

JT wants to be Tiger Woods!
( who didn't show up cause he is
trapped under a pile of Moneyy! ) -joked JT.

And sexy quarterback Tony Romo!

Michael Jordon? I don't know who plays
for the Tennessee basketball team.

And of course, who wouldn't wanna be Jessica Simpsons!
Dukes of the Hazards.

This part was hell funny!

Then, he went on Jimmy Kimmel ( I gotta admit! I lovee starworld for picking up Jimmy Kimmel! ) Anyways, JT went on JK and said that he hate celebrity when he himself and also his girlfriend - Jessica Biel is a celebrity! HAHA he's super funny! He's trying to confuse everyone. I likey! =)

You don't see most triple threat so outgoing and fun.


Updates @ Formula One is coming up next! Muahaha.