Tuesday, July 22, 2008

It's like learning to fly or falling in love.

iMovie - Liar Liar.

Haven't been to school for so long, Zhee Yi and Paul has really forgotten about me. =( Now they talk ar, so secretive! I'm not feeling the loooove people! 

Then, Muizz started talking about what he loves to talk about. Do not wanna discuss it here but it's something not right for his mind. But the way he says it is really funny! I can't help it but laugh by myself. So sad right, gotta laugh by myself all alone. Yealor! They really have forgotten that I'm sitting beside them.


I didn't know I could do so much work in tuition without talking. Man, I had a taste when Crystal isn't there and it taste bitter!  

How cool is it that I get to go home at 1.50 every Wednesday and Thursday because of Liew! I think it's because she doesn't wanna see my face that's why she lets us people who do not take addmath go home! Wohoo!! 

Darn, my sister is coming back tomorrow. Since she's been gone, I've moved into her room! HAHA. being  a couch potato with her laptop in hand and tele to watch till late! But, I really couldn't sleep in her room. Her bed is seriously so not comfortable BUT I still wanted to sleep in her room because of her gadgets!