Friday, December 7, 2007

I loved u with a fire red, now it's turning blue.

I've gotta blog before my connection goes dead again! It's been happening for over a week! And each time we call, we always get the same result.. And this morning when my sis called, she knew everything that their going to say. This sucks so badly!

Anyways, I've just finish watching Gossip Girls and it's the best episode I've watched so far! I loved that episode! haha. Something unusual. I'm starting to like the character Chuck. He's such a good friend and he does have what everybody thinks he don't have, a heart with feelings.

I've been using photoshop so much lately cause I can't surf.. My connection or whatever the problem is, always goes on and off so I keep reloading the google page, if there's the google page, means there's connection or whatever problem was fixed for that moment of time. & I'll like shout to my sis and we'll like go surfing as fast as we can before it goes off again. It was fun at a time.

I can't wait for Grey's to come out! Come out already with that guys artery bursting. YUCK haha but it was cool =P

♪ I don't need no Emmy in my life to make me happy cose I'm happy without an Emmmy.....