Friday, May 30, 2008

holding onto things that vanished into the air.

iMovie - Aeon Flux.

Check out this one HERE

- Cookie and Archie's commercial for Guitar Hero.
Damn funny! xD Cookie isn't wearing any pants!

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Speaking of Cookie, he's already taken!! So freaking fast. He asked Kimberly Caldwell, who was a contestant on the second season of American Idol to go on a date with him! On national television!!

Check it out HERE

I feel so CNN. hahahah!!

*// edit #2 - 10.36 PM

Check this out HERE

Remember when Randy said to Archie that if he sang the phone book it'll still sound nice, that's what he and Cookie did on TRL! = FUNNY!

They are everywhere! From TRL to Regis and Kelly to Ellen DeGeneres to Larry King to Jay Leno. They're hitting every talk show there is!

You tube has upgraded man. Their toolbar different edy. hehee.


I can't believe it's already Friday!! It's so fast. One week just flew by! And I'm having so much fun just slopping around! I haven't been out the house for 4 days now! But it only felt like 2 days!! How's the world?

I feel like sitting outside of some balcony and just chatting away like we did in Tioman. Feels so relaxing. hmmm.

Anyhoo. I'm off.
- till next time. =)