Monday, May 24, 2010

you lift my feet off the ground, spin me around, YOU made me crazier

iSeries - Entourage.

gonna watch the whole series, again :)

I've spent 3 days in the house with my mother. Just me and her for the entire 3 days! some might go crazy, I almost did. but I loved it :)

I usually don't see my mother until at night almost every night but last weekend she stayed home to do her accounting work and I help. I'm such a GREAT daughter :DD!

&& I told her to sleep in my sister's room because my mums' air conditioning 'horse power' thingy is much higher, therefore much more expensive. Since she ons the air cond almost every night now, why not just sleep in my sisters room, right? wrong!

man, she gets up super early! and what she does is gossip with her auntie girlfriends! her chatter in the next room wakes me up every time I'm not ready to get up and that puts me in a very bad mood since the construction work opposite my room isn't done too.

Last Friday, big news about one of her co worker in the office was the talk of her day! I heard it almost 6 times as she tells it to don't know how many other people! my mumsie is such a gossip bee!

I feel bad and guilty for talking about other people, I don't know how she does it! she gossips like non other! & every time I confront her about being on the phone all the time for a long time, she said it's business calls! -.- "she say..he say.." are business calls eh.

well anyways. I have had enough of mother daughter bonding for the rest of the month. it'll be enough to get me through next month :P

Oh man. want to see something that's been bothering me so so much?

this! ish. if only it comes any more closer to my house! I'm so calling DBKL on her ass!


guai lous are living in that house that's 2 houses away from mine! aren't they afraid of mosquitoes or bees or whatever that could be regenerating in those big bush of trees!
The neighbours had sound their concerns before but the owner just didn't care! bitches.

the photo is not zoomed!

I'm now afraid to open my window, afraid that mosquitoes will fly inside! plus, it's been dusty with the construction work opposite. but still!

it's going into the windows of its neighbours house!

it's getting close to my window (the green one)
when it's close to reachable, prepare to face the wrath of Jeanette Chung!

the tall tree that I see everyday is also theirs! -.-

stupid inconsiderate people! hope snakes are growing in your trees & crawls into your bed at night!

On a lighter note! the pup that makes me happy :)

got him a new bone last week. and it's already gone! I like rewarding him with bones :) every time when I come home with a plastic bag in hand, he'll sniff it first to see if I've bought him any treats! & he do understand when I tell him that I'll be going out to buy him treats!

I found a pet store/grooming center that makes dog cakes and I wanted to get him one for his upcoming birthday but my mum said it's a waste of money -.- so I'm gonna buy him an extra large greenie or maybe a beef bacon bone :)

he's sick of those milk bones already

that'll last 1 week tops!

that lasted less than a week!
I know, it looks like something else :P wrong snapping timing! heh

I like pampering Zephyr! Coffee I just hug and kiss :P

I me pups

NEXT! keep it moving people :P

My mums been asking me to throw away my Cotton On flops because the soul is all worn out. but I refuse to throw because then I won't have anymore flops to wear. bought one the other day and another 2 today :) heh.


I gots to start wearing normal sandals and heel and stop wearing flops! oh wells ;)

Ooh ooh, also bought a new chair top thingy! from Ikea. It's only RM 9! I would have gotten a few more colours if I had liked them but non to my liking except for the red that I bought today! heh.


I get to change my chair colour whenever I feel like having a change in my room!

getting back to Entourage :)