I liked this movie! Why so many people dislike this movie leh? I've been hearing that it's not a good movie that's why I didn't watch it in cinema but the truth is I liked it! & it's good! filled with action-packed scenes and there's a storyline! Why everyone else said it's got no direction? hmm.. weird
I liked it! Sienna Miller looks way prettier blonde. The special graphics are a little off, can tell that it's really fake but apart from that, thumbs up ;) I don't think any movie could beat the graphics that Transformers has! gila real babi :P
Anyways, I gots to say it
One Republic is back! ♥♥
It's been wayy too long!
It's been wayy too long!
They can't beat The B.E.P but they sure as hell are great! I loved them from the moment I heard their songs! LOL, funny story. the first time I heard their songs is through the humming from my sisters mouth cause she wanted to ask me what song that was and I didn't know. Loved them since ♥
I'm loving Owl City too! very calm and soothing :) Their lyrics are so meaningful and beautiful, it's unbelievable!
I don't know why but I think that they're Fireflies songs seems appropriate for the soundtrack of Edward & Bella's life! haha forgive me but I'm still in that whole non-fiction world. need more than a few days to snap myself out of it :) Ooh, I'm missing reading their books already! HAHA
Been doing my accounts work all day, from first lecture to the current one! It's killing me! I have a sudden bomb test on Monday! I had to self learn quite a lot of it cause I missed a few classes. Well 'a few' seems like an understatement :P but I'm getting there. Having trouble with allowance for doubtful debts the most :S
It's hard to keep my brains working and keep concentration when my stomach is cramming like crazy! I hate being a girl 4 days out of the month every month!
Ooh ohmygosh! The most disgusting thing to be told! My neighbour is spraying their house for pesticides cause they found terminates eating their furnitures or whatever. So now they're doing those termination thingy and all the disgusting gross creatures will be coming into my house! GREAT!
I HATE COCKROACHES! I can't stand them! I'll kill myself if there's any in my room! eeewwww! :S I've block every drain hole I can that is connecting to my room, closed the shower doors and never bringing food up to my room! gross!
I'm scared of cockroaches! They'll run towards you instead of away from you! It's freaky and gross and now my whole body feels disgusted by the thought of them!
yuck! I won't be able to sleep tonight!
die cockroaches, die! extinct you geli creatures!
die cockroaches, die! extinct you geli creatures!