I don't remember which part I loved the most, because I loved every minute of it. worth every penny :))!
what made it over the top was the bass! my chair was like a drum of it own! it was amazing! great experience. great company.
Went with Elyza, I wanted to make her a belieber but that didn't happen. no worries, I'm not going to give up :p! heh. I'm going to sing JBs songs until she officially tells me that she doesn't want to be my friend anymore!
HAHAHA. I want to watch it again. the DVD is coming out! 15th May :))! go get it beliebers!
just want to blog for a little.
I'm having a great relaxed day! The day after submitting all my assignments for this semester, presented all my presentations that I had. finally. now it's home stretch! exams in 19 days, for 4 days and then its holiday baby! ohyeah.
can't wait for June! for 1) its my holiday month! I'm going to get to watch all my shows all day long without feeling guilty :))! secondly. my sissy & brother will be coming back :)))! family reunion baby.
we'll be going Penang for a few days. after that sissy will be leaving for a week or so while the brother will be going Hong Kong. I'm so jealous! he's traveling around the whole damn world! he has backpacked through Europe, studied in Russia, lives in Australia, goes on a holiday to Hong Kong :( so unfair. wished it was me going places.
anyways. I'll have my chance :) first place I'll visit - SWITZERLAND! then its San Francisco! and Finland :))! maybe England too.
if I haven't say this enough, I'm having a great day :) thank you for today.