stupid movie! I'm so glad my sissy was in my room while I watched it because I was scared :P yes, I'm a chicken when it comes to even a little horror in a movie..
The casting directors really picked the perfect actress. I don't think anyone could have flaunt their body as much as Megan Fox could.
Anyways. It's only been a week of classes and I just skipped another day :P I have to find the will to go classes everyday! One thing that makes me not want to go class is the parking. Extra students enrolled, less parking. plus some of my classes starts right in the middle of nowhere.
This week I basically had to run here and there to settle my outstanding fee. I had to get a copy of my administration form, (I thank Segi for having such a nice guy as my faculty administrator!) pass it to my counselor who enrolled me, pass it on to the bursary, check my not so outstanding balance after deducting my rebates then only I could get my hands on my results!
It wasn't so bad. I would like to have done better but I'll take the results I have anyday :) & guess what! HAA, proud moment! B+ for econs *shocked face* whatthehell! the first subject I scanned was for econs. I really thought I was going to see another C- or below but that blew me away. it really did.
Secondly, I would like to thank Pn. Liew.. I don't know her full name at the moment. thank you for making me drop Add Math! I would like to thank her for robbing me of As in high school.. because of her stupid face and her stupid haircut and her stupid mentality, I hated AddMath! But I don't anymore because now I have an amazingly smart lecturer who helped me discover how smart I am in AddMath. 4.0 GPA!
take that bitch Liew! :D & btw, if I didn't make it clear enough, you suck as a teacher! yes.
.enough book talk.
I'm currently You-Tube-ing Asher Book & V Factory :D I'm so glad they have those YouTube clips. V-Factory isn't that bad. I already like Jared Murillo and Wesley Quinn. they're so funny!
Knowledge is power! You Tube is my source of knowledge :D
boy bands are having a comeback! you'll see ;)
Anyways, if I hadn't watched Fame, I won't have this major obsession towards Asher Book and none of this would be happening! but it did and I am, I am addicted. well, at least for a little while. I'll be onto someone else next month :P
Vivian, you should watch some of Asher's You-Tube clip, you'll like him too! You & I have the same taste in guys.. I mean, we do, we like the same people don't we? :P I think we have a similar list of celebrity crushes. haha!
*sorry, side tracked... was watching clips on You-Tube, haha*
Oh Crystal, thank you for doing the thing you've done for me that we will never talk about, ever again :) lunch is coming your way!
going to continue You Tubing while my connection
is still hot. there's nothing like You-Tube :D
is still hot. there's nothing like You-Tube :D