Wednesday, August 15, 2007

What time is it, Summer timee

Back from Kota Kinaballuu! Unfortunately, I fell sick the minute I arrived.. And the flight, the Air Asia flight, the plane, it was so brand new and so clean, and kinda comfortable..

The place was very nice. The town was full with traffic lights and outta town was beautiful with all the ocean view..

There's nothing much to blog about.. It was pretty much like staying at home but not at home for me. I was sick that's why I didn't go down that much.. Stayed up in the room the whole day watching Disney Channel.. hahahhaha. And everytime there's like the High School Musical advertisement. I swear to god!! it was driving me insane!!!

There was so many ' kuai lou' and Taiwanese people theree... And and, I feel so covered up by just wearing a tee and a skirt.. All the ' kuai lou ' was wearing summer dresses and board shorts.. Some just walked around wearing their bathing suit..

We tried flying a kite but it tak jadi.. It didn't fly at all !! hahahaha then, I was teaching Keenan how to cycle. He didn't know how to cycle a two wheel bike so I was teaching him but he always go left and right and not balanced. So, this ' kaui lou ' offered to teach him so he gave Keenan a big push and he's off! cycling so far. hahahahhaha!! ' kuai lou 's can really teach kids how to cycle..

Anyhow, after doing this and that... Day to go backk.. the flight back, the plane, it was really REALLY brand new. and it was a pleasant flight back...The pressure IS still in my ear after reaching back home..

Had quick dinner, showered and then sit in front of the comp.. Watched
The Hills !!!! hahahaha it's finally hereee! woot. ahaha Uuh and I want to download the High School Musical Concert show, movie thingyy!