Saturday, April 14, 2007

Good news for people who likes bad news.

It's Saturday! =D

it's quite boring for me. Went out for dim-sum at Ritz-Carlton.. it's quite boring eating the same thing all the time...

Went to don't know where.. Lot 10 ke, Star Hill ke.. where ever.. Feet was damn pain cose I was wearing high heels. Who would guess we'll be going there by foot from the hotel.

I want to go PC fair!!! take me take me take me!

Formula One is about 15 minutes time!! woooo!. fingers cross for Kimi

Downloading Justin Timberlake's recent movie Alpha dog. Don't know if it's going to be nice. Justin love acting in those bad boys movies like the Addison movie.. it wasn't very nice for my liking.

My sis told me that Fly is trying to get him here to Malaysia for 3 million US dollar. It's outrages. but I'll go 100%... Because it's JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE!!

Speaking of, I really want to go for Good Charlotte's concert. argh this is what I hate about liking something.. you don't get to go see them when they're here!