watched that movie 3 times already :D
it's addictive!
it's addictive!
anyways, just a little post to keep my blog alive and to relieve a little of my stress! its better if I focus on blogging rather than what I have to rush to finish.
You know, thank gosh my IT lecturer decided to collect our assignments on Tuesday! I wouldn't have finished it if it was last Thursday!
but but, I'm also thankful for having such nice classmates :))! they really helped me out a lot. Thanks Nip for letting me use your information! and thanks for helping me change them. if it wasn't for you, I had to do another 2 extra questions!
& thanks Jee Hau for sharing your assignment softcopy with me as a reference! & for letting me use your information when Ms. Jamuna was checking our softcopy!
&& its just that every time when I say I love my class, they do more stuff that makes me love them even more! and bare in mind we've only been classmates for less than 3 months! I'm happy to spend another 3 years with them :)
anyways, there's another one more assignment to hand in at the end of this month then its a clear speedy road towards Exam Town!
I haven't viewed Segi for this view before, until now! and I didn't know that Segi has a fountain outside!
Ooh, I have to say, I usually don't get sick so easily. I haven't gone to see a doctor is years! years and years! but this year, since I started my course, I've been down with the flu and cough twice now. it really sucks cause I've to tough it out! there's no way to make my flu go away faster is there?
this time, one of my classmate was sick, and she infected us! I hate being sick, but I love that I have an excuse to sleep all day long :p if I'm feeling a little guilty for throwing a day away, I'll just tell myself, "you're sick, you need the rest!" HAHA
this time, one of my classmate was sick, and she infected us! I hate being sick, but I love that I have an excuse to sleep all day long :p if I'm feeling a little guilty for throwing a day away, I'll just tell myself, "you're sick, you need the rest!" HAHA
self denial! it works.
I'm done :) stress relieved.
I'm done :) stress relieved.