It held my attention but some times I have no idea what's going on. is Nina crazy or has split personalities or something?!
I kind of thought she was an alien at one point.
I feel so sad for ballerinas! they seem to be like those upset dancers from the outside. I know they're very passionate in what they do but from the outside, it seems like they're torturing themselves just to be perfect.
news flash honey, you are already perfect :)
I don't like having to do everything when my mums not here. she left me home alone again after only coming home for 3 days after her one week at East Malaysia.
I hate washing the floor after the dog pees, I hate to rush home to feed them, and I hate waking up to the sound of Coffee's cry begging me to take him down for his pee.
but it feels too clockwork already. I get up, bring Coffee down, get ready, wash floor, off to class, come home, feed dog, sleep.. and it goes on and on.
The only day I get to go out and have some fun is after class on Fridays! & of course the weekend. but I prefer to stay in and have lazy days :) sunday funday!
I'm loving my whole busy schedule but I can't wait to have my holidays already! and for Jessica to get her butt back home :)!
I have 7 more assignment submission dates to look forward. all before the end of April. great! I don't know what I'll do without a computer and my Internet connection!
I'll die from cyber separation :p